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Recommendations ( DO's & DON'TS)

Disclaimer: is not responsible for any decision of the skipper based on these recommendations and for the consequences. These recommendations (Do's & Don'ts) are detailed in orcas discussions Telegram groups. 

This site is a help for people about the do's and don'ts relation with the orcas; it should be read as a complement to other information. For more details, I recommend you to be a member of 


  • Use motor if you are in a hotspot area. 

  • Always within the safety limits and characteristics of each vessel sail in shallow waters means following the 20 m bathymetric (depth contour line) or less.

  • If you spot an orca or are attacked by an orca, inform the MRCC, the authorities and the sailors around using your boat radio.

  • Remember that there is no zero (0) risk.

  • Be informed !

  • There are sites like, there are apps, and there are updated maps. There is a lot of information that you can read about the orcas and the incidents with boats.

  • Train the crew for an orca situation, to how to react. A well-prepared crew can respond in a better way.


  • Stay away from sailing during the night in areas where you know that there are orcas.

  • Based on scientific research and conclusions, Spanish Authorities recommend you NOT to stop if you are attacked or spot an orca. (here)

  • Boats that stopped were attacked until the rudder was destroyed, some for hours, only after orcas quit.

  • Boats that never stopped were attacked and followed for minutes by orcas, and soon, orcas quit to return to the leading group. More details in orcas discussion groups (for members)

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